Supply Chain & Production Pinch Points
01| Challenge 3 Production plants – Southeastern United States Paper plates manufacturing experiencing significant downtime Plants would

Product Yield Improvement Increases Earnings By $20 Million
Product Yield Improvement Increases Earnings By $2o Million

Just in Time Supply Chain Pinch Point & Risk Analysis
01 | Challenge Significant expansion to two towel and tissue facilities in the Southeast. Objective was to

Improvements in Batch Cycle Times in Liquid Paint
01| Challenge Company making liquid paint in Batch Reactors and Mixers for Automotive and Industrial customers. Wide

Assessment & Correction of Severely Unreliable Plant
01| Challenge Large methanol plant built for a JV in Saudi Arabia. Onstream time for the 9

Winter Weather Preparedness – Supply Chain Impact
01| Challenge Background: Approximately 80% of refined products shipped via rail from Refinery to Anchorage. This included

Process Safety / Operating Plant Risk Assessment
01| Challenge Projected started as a Process Safety and Operating Risk Analysis and evolved into a broader