See what we're doing for your peers!
Anomaly Detection Monitoring
Our proven approach has helped hundreds of sites make their data smart and put it to work for them! In real time! People: Getting the right information to the right person at the right time, utilizing digital tools to accomplish this. Equipment: Able to understand the equipment and condition in real time. Profitability: Identify failures in equipment and performance early before they are big issues. Data: Computer is filtering all data and information – Humans focused on Exceptions.
Margin Velocity
Margin Velocity is an easy method to bridge the gap between Commercial and Manufacturing and align incentives. Take the margin of a product and divide it by its cycle time. Plot all the products margin velocities in order from best to worst. You might be surprised, the products that you think you are making money on may not be the products that are truly making money for you.
Strike Force
Production downtime improvement seen within 2 months. Action team develops a risk profile reducing variability, enabling better business decisions. Entrepreneurial engagement leading to continuously improving organizational behaviors coupled with profitable asset strategies identified using leading technology, i.e., Condition Monitoring leads to quick sustainable results.
Get In Touch
Caravel Solutions will perform an Operations Excellence Assessment or (Use of Best Practices Assessment), which will be used to determine the magnitude of the opportunities to reduce costs and to develop an action plan to improve the use of industry-wide best practices which will result in sustained cost reduction. Plant sites will be visited by a team to determine a baseline, “as is state” with respect to personnel, management processes, and production efficiencies. Industry performance and accepted best practices will be utilized as guidelines to identify potential opportunities. Information gathered from the ALL sites will be evaluated for common improvement efforts. Information will be compiled as a corporate improvement effort to eliminate duplication or reinventing common efforts. This assists the sites to stay focused on their site-specific efforts and allows corporate OPEX to assist with common site efforts. The market price for an assessment is $75,000. We want to offer this to you for $50,000 valid until October 15, 2024.